CNC Machining: Hard Metals vs. Soft Metals

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    CNC machining is a pivotal technology in modern manufacturing, providing the precision and repeatability needed to produce components for various industries. One of the most critical decisions in CNC machining is the choice of material, particularly when deciding between hard metals and soft metals.

    This decision significantly impacts the machining process, tool selection, and overall project outcome. In this article, we will delve into the distinctions between hard and soft metals in CNC machining, explore their unique properties, and discuss how these factors influence machining decisions.

    Let’s get straight to the point

    CNC machining requires careful material selection, particularly between hard and soft metals, as this choice significantly impacts the machining process, tool selection, and project outcomes. Hard metals, like titanium and stainless steel, offer greater strength, durability, and resistance to wear and fatigue, making them ideal for high-stress applications but more challenging and costly to machine.

    Soft metals, such as aluminium and copper, are easier and faster to machine, making them cost-effective for less demanding applications, though they may require more frequent tool maintenance. The decision should be based on the material’s properties, operating environment, and specific project requirements.

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    What Makes a Metal Hard or Soft?

    Microscopic and Chemical Differences

    The fundamental difference between hard and soft metals lies in their microscopic structure and chemical composition. Hardness in materials, particularly metals, is influenced by how tightly atoms are bonded and how resistant they are to being displaced. In hard metals, these bonds are robust, often leading to higher mechanical hardness and increased resistance to deformation.

    Conversely, soft metals have a structure that allows for easier displacement of atoms, making them more malleable and ductile. This malleability often leads to easier machining processes but may require more frequent tool maintenance due to the potential for material buildup on cutting edges.

    Mechanical Properties of Metals

    Fracture Toughness

    Fracture toughness is a critical property that measures a metal’s ability to resist crack propagation. Hard metals, such as titanium and stainless steel, generally exhibit higher fracture toughness compared to softer metals like aluminium. This property is essential in applications where the integrity of the material under stress is paramount.

    Elasticity and Strength

    Elasticity refers to a material’s ability to return to its original shape after deformation. Hard metals typically exhibit greater elasticity, meaning they can withstand higher forces without permanent deformation. Additionally, strength, particularly tensile strength, is a hallmark of hard metals, making them ideal for structural applications.

    Ductility and Density

    Ductility is the measure of a metal’s ability to undergo significant plastic deformation before rupture. Soft metals, such as aluminium and copper, are known for their high ductility, allowing them to be drawn into wires or hammered into thin sheets. Density, another important property, varies significantly between hard and soft metals, influencing their weight and the forces they can withstand.

    Wear and Fatigue Properties of Metals

    Environmental Cycling

    When designing parts for extreme environments, the environmental cycling characteristics of the material become crucial. This includes the material’s performance under thermal cycling, exposure to humidity, and resistance to thermal shock. For example, copper and aluminium can handle extremely cold temperatures, while titanium and stainless steel are better suited for high-temperature applications.

    Creep Resistance

    Creep resistance is the ability of a material to withstand prolonged exposure to high stress and temperature without significant deformation. Hard metals like titanium and stainless steel excel in high-temperature environments where creep could be a concern, such as in aerospace applications. On the other hand, aluminium has lower creep resistance, limiting its use in such applications.

    Fatigue Strength

    Fatigue is responsible for about 90% of all metallic failures, making fatigue strength a critical consideration in material selection. Hard metals generally offer superior fatigue resistance, making them suitable for components subjected to repetitive stress, such as gears and shafts.

    Factors Influencing Material Choice in CNC Machining

    Identifying the Best Material for the Job

    When choosing between hard and soft metals, several factors must be considered to ensure the material meets the application’s requirements. The key factors include mechanical properties, wear resistance, fatigue resistance, and the operating environment.

    Operating Environment

    The environment in which the machined part will operate plays a significant role in material selection. For instance, stainless steel is often chosen for outdoor applications due to its excellent resistance to moisture and corrosion. In contrast, soft metals like aluminium are preferred for indoor applications where environmental exposure is minimal.

    Electrical Conductivity

    Metals like copper and silver are excellent conductors of electricity, making them ideal for electrical components. Soft metals are often selected for electrical applications due to their superior conductivity, whereas hard metals may be chosen for their structural benefits despite their lower conductivity.

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    Machinability of Hard vs. Soft Metals

    Tool Selection and Wear

    Machining hard metals requires specialised tools, often coated with materials like titanium nitride, to withstand the high forces and temperatures involved. The cutting speeds are typically lower, and the tool wear is higher, necessitating frequent tool changes and careful monitoring of the machining process.

    In contrast, soft metals are easier to machine, allowing for higher cutting speeds and less wear on tools. However, soft metals can cause other issues, such as material buildup on the cutting edges, which can lead to poor surface finish and the need for frequent tool cleaning.

    Surface Finish and Precision

    The surface finish achievable with hard metals is often superior due to the material’s resistance to deformation. This makes hard metals ideal for components requiring a high degree of precision and a smooth finish. Soft metals, while easier to machine, may require additional finishing processes to achieve the desired surface quality.

    Cost Considerations

    The cost of machining hard metals is generally higher due to the increased wear on tools, longer machining times, and the need for specialised equipment. However, the durability and strength of hard metals can justify these costs in critical applications. Soft metals, being easier and faster to machine, often result in lower production costs, making them a cost-effective choice for non-critical components.


    The choice between hard metals and soft metals in CNC machining is a complex decision that involves balancing the material’s properties with the requirements of the application. Hard metals offer superior strength, durability, and wear resistance, making them ideal for high-stress applications. However, they require more careful machining processes, specialized tools, and often come at a higher cost.

    Soft metals, on the other hand, are easier to machine, allowing for faster production and finer details, but they may lack the necessary strength and wear resistance for some applications. Understanding the mechanical properties, wear characteristics, and operating environments of these metals is crucial for making informed decisions in CNC machining. By considering these factors, manufacturers can achieve the best possible results, whether working with hard or soft metals.

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